Physik Department TUM
Seminars :: Past semesters  

Sommer Semester 2016 [TOP]

Date Time Speaker Title
Tue, 5.7.16 (at TUM) 11:00 Stefan Petschauer Density-dependent hyperon-nucleon interaction from chiral three-baryon forces
13:00 Susanne Strohmeier Equation of state of neutron-rich nuclear matter from chiral effective field theory
14:00 Corbinian Wellenhofer Role of anomalous contributions in many-body perturbation theory and nuclear thermodynamics
15:00 Norbert Kaiser Third-order ladder contributions from the general O(p^2) NN-contact interactions
16:00 Paul Springer QCD-inspired determination of Nambo-Jona-Lasinio model parameters

Winter Semester 2015/16 [TOP]

Date Time Speaker Title
Tue, 14.12.15 (at ECT*) 09:30 Stefan Petschauer Hyperon Properties in Nuclear Matter from SU(3) Chiral Effective Field Theory
10:45 Paul Springer QCD-inspired Determination of NJL-Model Parametres
14:00 Corbinian Wellenhofer Isospin-Asymmetry Expansion of the Nuclear Equation of State
15:15 Norbert Kaiser Third-Order Particle-Hole Ring Diagrams with Contact Interactions and One-Pion Exchange

Summer Semester 2015 [TOP]

Date Time Speaker Title
Tue, 17.06.15 (at ECT*) 09:30 Stefan Petschauer Hyperon potentials in nuclear matter from SU(3) chiral effective field theory
10:30 Paul Springer QCD-inspired determination of four-quark couplings NJL-model parameters
11:30 Norbert Kaiser Quartic isospin asymmetry energy of nuclear matter from chiral pion-nucleon dynamics
14:00 Corbinian Wellenhofer Thermodynamics of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter from chiral effective field theory
15:00 Robert Lang Overview of the heavy-ion program at LHC

Winter Semester 2014/15 [TOP]

Date Time Speaker Title
Th, 06.11.14 (at ECT*) 9:30 Matthias Drews Functional renormalization group approach to thermodynamics of nuclear matter
10:30 Robert Lang Transport properties of hot and dense matter from a large-Nc Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
11:30 Paul Springer Dynamical locking mechanism for phase transitions in QCD at finite chemical potential
14:00 Stefan Petschauer G-matrix calculation of hyperon mean-field potentials in nuclear matter
15:00 Corbinian Wellenhofer Thermodynamics of symmetry energy and equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter
16:00 Norbert Kaiser Chiral nucleon-nucleon potential: Three-pion exchange with virtual Delta-isobar excitation

Date Time Speaker Title
Th, 12.02.15 11:00 Robert Lang Shear viscosities from Kubo formalism in a large-Nc NJL model
13:00 Corbinian Wellenhofer Thermodynamics of isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter from chiral low-momentum interactions
14:00 Stefan Petschauer G-matrix calculations of hyperon potentials in nuclear matter
15:00 Paul Springer Locking of chiral and deconfinement transitions in QCD studied through dynamically generated four-fermion couplings at low energies

Summer Semester 2014 [TOP]

Date Time Speaker Title
Fr, 27.06.14 10:30 Robert Lang Thermodynamics of the NJL-Model in the Hartree-Fock Approximation
11:30 Matthias Drews Functional Renormalization Group Approach to Nuclear and Neutron Matter
13:30 Michael Altenbuchinger Chiral Dynamics of Heavy-Light Mesons
14:30 Stefan Petschauer Three-Baryon Interactions in Chiral Effective Field Theory
15:30 Paul Springer Dynamical Locking of Chiral and Deconfinement Transitions at Finite Chemical Potential
16:30 Corbinian Wellenhofer Thermodynamics of Neutron Matter from Chiral Low-Momentum Interactions

Winter Semester 2013/14 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Fr, 15.11.13 Stefan Petschauer Hyperon-nucleon interaction and baryonic contact terms in SU(3) chiral perturbation theory
Paul Springer Finite-size effects and Binder-cumulants in O(N)-models
Corbinian Wellenhofer Nuclear Thermodynamics with chiral low-momentum interactions
Norbert Kaiser Radiative corrections to the charged pion-pair production process $\pi^-\gamma \to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^-$
Wed, 19.02.2014 (at ECT*) Matthias Drews Nucleon-meson model with functional renormalization group
Robert Lang Shear viscosity from the NJL model at NLO in a large-Nc expansion
Corbinian Wellenhofer Nuclear Thermodynamics with chiral low momentum interaction
Norbert Kaiser Skyrme interaction including tensor terms to second order in nuclear matter

Summer Semester 2013 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Mo, 24.06.13 Michael Altenbuchinger Heavy-light mesons in unitarized chiral perturbation theory
Robert Lang Shear viscosities in a generalized NJL-mode
Paul Springer Finite-size effects and Binder-cumulants in O(N)-models
Corbinian Wellenhofer Nuclear Thermodynamics with chiral low-momentum interactions
Rico Milkus Chiral four-body interactions in nuclear matter
Mo, 15.07.13 (at ECT*) Stefan Petschauer Baryon-Baryon Interactions in SU(3) Chiral Effective Field Theory
Matthias Drews Functional Renormalization Group and Pionic Fluctuations in Nuclear Matter
Vincent Mathieu Regge Phenomenology
Lisheng Geng Recent developments in SU(3) covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory
Norbert Kaiser Single-particle potential from resummed ladder diagrams

Winter Semester 2012/13 [TOP]

μWorkshop CRC 110
Thursday, 25.10.12 and Friday, 26.10.12, Seminar Room T39 ("Minkowski")
  • Time schedule [pdf]

Seminar on Particle and Nuclear Physics
Date Speaker Title
Mo, 22.10.12 Alexander Laschka Heavy-quark potentials and quarkonium spectroscopy
Nino Bratovic Vector interactions in the PNJL model
Michael Altenbuchinger Heavy-light mesons in unitarized chiral perturbation theory
Salvatore Fiorilla Nuclear chiral thermodynamics
Fr, 09.11.12, 2:15 pm Tigran Kalaydhyan New approach to the local strong parity violation in the quark-gluon plasma
Mo, 26.11.12 (at ECT*) Matthias Drews Renormalization group applied to meson-nucleon model
Thomas Hell Role of vector-interaction in a non-local PNJL model
Robert Lang Transport properties in NJL-type models: Large Nc analysis
Fr, 14.12.12, 11:15 am Phiala Shanahan Applications of an SU(3) chiral extrapolation
Mo, 17.12.12 Corbinian Wellenhofer Nuclear thermodynamics with chiral low-momentum interactions
Norbert Kaiser Radiative corrections to electron-pion scattering revisited
Bertram Klein Finite volume effects and the QCD phase diagram
Paul Springer Finite-size effects in O(N) models

Summer Semester 2012 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Th, 19.04.12 Jeremy Holt Non-central quasiparticle interactions
Tu, 24.04.12 Maximilian Duell Photon-photon fusion processes in Chiral Perturbation Theory
Th, 26.04.12 Alexander Laschka Quarkonium potentials from QCD
Th, 03.05.12 Stefan Petschauer Chiral SU(3)-dynamics and hyperon-nucleon interaction
Th, 10.05.12 Salvatore Fiorilla Nuclear chiral thermodynamics
Th, 24.05.12 Thomas Hell Constraining the nuclear equation of state by neutron star observables
Th, 31.05.12 Sebastian Schulteß Nuclear matter including resummations to all orders
Tu, 05.06.12 Matthias Drews Hadronic matter in a chiral meson-nucleon model
Fr, 08.06.12,
11:00 am
Yoichi Ikeda Lattice QCD calculation of meson-baryon interactions
Philipp Gubler Bayesian approach to QCD sum rules
Tu, 12.06.12 Norbert Kaiser Chiral four-body interaction in nuclear matter
Tu, 12.06.12 Tetsuo Hyodo D-meson-nucleon interaction and DNN systems
Emiko Hiyama Few-body calculation of the 4He tetramer system
Th, 14.06.12 Jens Braun On the relation of the deconfinement and the chiral phase transition in gauge theories with fundamental and adjoint matter
Tu, 19.06.12 Bertram Klein Finite volume effects in QCD
Th, 21.06.12 Nino Bratovic Role of vector interactions and axial anomaly in the QCD phase diagram
Tu, 03.07.12 Robert Lang Transport properties in the NJL model
Th, 05.07.12 Corbinian Wellenhofer Nuclear thermodynamics with Chiral low-momentum interactions
Tu, 10.07.12 Antonio Vairo Gauge invariant definition of jet quenching parameter
We, 12.09.12 Emiko Hiyama Variational calculation of 4He tetramer ground and excited states using realistic 4He–4He potential
Ang Li Hypernuclei and neutron star matter from Brueckner theory
Tu, 25.09.12 Avraham Gal Discovery and significance of Λ6H
Tu, 25.09.12 Hiroshi Toki Tensor optimized shell model for the structure of light nuclei
Mo, 08.10.12 Daisuke Jido Eta-prime meson under partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the nuclear medium
Hideko Nagahiro Formation of eta-prime (958) mesonic nuclei by missing-mass spectroscopy

Winter Semester 2011/12 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Mo, 17.10.11 Salvatore Fiorilla Nuclear chiral thermodynamics
Mo, 24.10.11 Avraham Gal Consistency of ΛΛ hypernuclear events
We, 26.10.11 Yoichi Ikeda Resonances and bound states in B=2 systems with strangeness
We, 02.11.11 Sebastian Schulteß Resummations in chiral dynamics of nuclear matter
Mo, 07.11.11 Robert Lang Transport phenomena in NJL-type models
We, 09.11.11 Maximilian Duell Photon fusion processes in chiral perturbation theory
Mo, 14.11.11 Michael Altenbuchinger Heavy-light mesons in chiral perturbation theory
We, 16.11.11 Stefan Petschauer Chiral SU(3)-dynamics of baryon-baryon interactions
We, 23.11.11 Emiko Hiyama Gaussian expansion method and application to hypernuclear physics
Mo, 28.11.11 Florian Dandl Quark mass dependence of nucleon-nucleon interaction
We, 30.11.11 Matthias Drews Quark-meson model and functional renormalization group
Mo, 05.12.11 Alexander Laschka Spin-dependent heavy quark potentials
We, 07.12.11 Norbert Kaiser Resummation of fermionic in-medium ladder diagrams
Mo, 12.12.11 Bertram Klein Finite volume effects on the QCD phase diagram
Mo, 19.12.11 Jeremy Holt Shell model effective interactions in non-degenerate model spaces
We, 21.12.11 Matthias Berwein Cyclic Wilson loop in perturbation theory
Mo, 09.01.12 Jacopo Ghiglieri Thermal photon production in the quark-gluon plasma
We, 11.01.12 Miguel Escobedo Quarkonium dissociation in hot matter
Mo, 16.01.12 Nino Bratovic Interplay of vector interaction and U(1) axial anomaly in the PNJL model
Mo, 23.01.12 Antonio Vairo pNRQCD in the strong coupling
Mo, 30.01.12 Hector Martinez Quarkonium annihilation
Mo, 06.02.12 Jeremy Holt Tensor quasi particle interaction in nuclear and neutron matter
Mo, 05.03.12 Kenji Fukushima Chiral symmetry and mesons in a strong magnetic field
Th, 08.03.12 Kouji Kashiwa Constraints of model construction for chiral and deconfinement transitions from imaginary chemical potential

Summer Semester 2011 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Mo, 02.05.11 Matthias Drews String theory
We, 04.05.11 Florian Dandl Quark mass dependence of chiral NN-interaction (I)
We, 11.05.11 Stefan Petschauer Chiral SU(3)-dynamics and hyperon-nucleon interaction (I)
Mo, 16.05.11 Norbert Kaiser Resummation of fermionic ladders to all orders
We, 18.05.11 Salvatore Fiorilla Non-perturbative resummations in nuclear matter
We, 25.05.11 Thomas Hell Update on the non-local PNJL model
Mo, 30.05.11 Alexander Laschka Heavy quark potential at order 1/m2
We, 01.06.11 Michael Altenbuchinger Heavy-light mesons in covariant chiral perturbation theory
Mo, 06.06.11 Piotr Pietrulewicz Electric dipole transitions of quarkonium
We, 08.06.11 Nino Bratovic Update on PNJL model versus lattice QCD
Mo, 20.06.11 Lisheng Geng Effects of πN p-wave interactions on Λ(1405) line shape as seen in πΣN 3-body final states
Mo, 27.06.11 Hector Martinez Effects of renormalons on quarkonium annihilation
We, 29.06.11 Matthias Drews Quark loop effects on the Polyakov loop
Mo, 04.07.11 Jeremy Holt Nuclear matter from realistic chiral nuclear interactions
We, 06.07.11 Florian Dandl Quark mass dependence of chiral NN-interaction (II)
Mo, 11.07.11 Stefan Petschauer Chiral SU(3)-dynamics and hyperon-nucleon interaction (II)
We, 13.07.11 Jacopo Ghiglieri Nonrelativistic effective field theories at finite temperature
Mo, 18.07.11 Robert Lang Relativistic effects in atomic spectra
We, 27.07.11 Kazuhiko Kamikado The chiral phase transition beyond mean-field

Winter Semester 2010/11 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Tu, 12.10.10 Tetsuo Hyodo Compositeness of bound states and resonances in chiral unitary approach
We, 13.10.10 Toshitaka Uchino Chiral dynamics of the Λ(1405)-nucleon system
Mo, 18.10.10 Yoichi Ikeda Lattice QCD studies of hadronic interactions
We, 20.10.10 Alexander Laschka QCD potential and heavy quark masses
Mo, 25.10.10 Yoichi Ikeda Double pole structure of strangeness -1 dibaryon systems
We, 27.10.10 Salvatore Fiorilla Thermodynamics of the chiral condensate
We, 03.11.10 Robert Lang Shear viscosity of interacting Bose gases
Tu, 09.11.10 Jeremy Holt Improved energy density functionals from realistic chiral nuclear interactions
We, 10.11.10 Norbert Kaiser Chiral and radiative corrections to π‾γ → 3π processes
Mo, 22.11.10 Nino Bratovic Phase diagrams from PNJL models
We, 24.11.10 Thomas Hell Non-local PNJL model with quark wave function renormalization
We, 01.12.10 Kouji Kashiwa Non-local PNJL model and imaginary chemical potentials
Mo, 06.12.10 Lisa Haas On the phase structure of two-flavour QCD
Mo, 13.12.10 Bertram Klein Introduction to functional renormalization group methods
We, 15.12.10 Michael Altenbuchinger Decay constants of heavy-light mesons in chiral perturbation theory
Mo, 20.12.10 Jeremy Holt Chiral Fermi liquid description of nuclear matter
We, 12.01.11 Jacopo Ghiglieri Effective field theory for heavy quarks at finite temperature
We, 19.01.11 Hector Martinez Running QCD coupling
Mo, 24.01.11 Philipp Hägler Lattice QCD studies of hadron structure
We, 26.01.11 Piotr Pietrulewicz Magnetic and electric dipole transitions in quarkonium
We, 02.02.11 Antonio Vairo Quarkonium at finite temperature
We, 09.02.11 Lisheng Geng Applications of covariant chiral perturbation theory from the one-baryon sector to heavy-light systems
Tu, 08.03.11 Yoichi Ikeda Interquark potential from Lattice QCD
Tetsuo Hyodo Compositeness of bound states in chiral dynamics
We, 09.03.11 Kenji Fukushima Magnetic-induced screening mass and its effect on the Polyakov loop
We, 09.03.11 Toshitaka Uchino Chiral dynamics of the Λ*N system

Summer Semester 2010 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Fr, 14.05.10 Tetsuo Hyodo Lambda*-nucleon bound state based on chiral dynamics
Yoichi Ikeda Resonance pole of strange dibaryons and energy dependence of Kbar-nucleon interactions
We, 26.05.10 Motoi Tachibana Some effective field theory approaches to (dense) QCD
Kouji Kashiwa Imaginary chemical potentials and PNJL approach
Th, 27.05.10 Lisheng Geng Baryon properties in SU(3) chiral perturbation theory
Thomas Hell QCD foundation of the PNJL approach
Nino Bratovic Phases of QCD and axial U(1)-anomaly
Bertram Klein Scaling behaviour in quark-meson models
Mo, 31.05.10 Massimiliano Procura Quark fragmentation within jets
Robert Lang Viscosities of strongly interacting matter
We, 02.06.10 Jacopo Ghiglieri Quarkonium spectrum and width at finite temperature
Alexander Laschka Quarkonium potential beyond leading order
Th, 17.06.10 Jeremy Holt Chiral Fermi liquid description of nuclear matter
Norbert Kaiser Nuclear energy density functional from chiral pion-nucleon dynamics
Salvatore Fiorilla Phases of nuclear matter
Th, 01.07.10 Antonio Vairo Three-quark static potential
Michael Altenbuchinger Basics of heavy quark effective field theory
Philipp Hägler Results on hadron structure from QCDSF and LHPC
Bernhard Musch Transverse momentum dependent parton distributions from lattice QCD

Winter Semester 2009/10 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Mo, 19.10.09 Michael Altenbuchinger Nucleon spin structure: Lattice QCD and model extrapolations
We, 21.10.09 Youngshin Kwon In-medium QCD sum rules
Mo, 02.11.09 Raffaele Millo (Trento) Effective action for low-energy quantum field fluctuations
We, 04.11.09 Stefan Watzenberger Hadron properties in a nonlocal NJL-model
We, 18.11.09 Bertram Klein Curvature of QCD phase transition line in finite volume
Mo, 23.11.09 Massimiliano Procura Chiral extrapolations
Mo, 30.11.09 Norbert Kaiser Radiative corrections to muon Compton scattering
We, 02.12.09 Thomas Hell Nonlocal PNJL-modelling of QCD phases at finite chemical potential
We, 09.12.09 Marco Cristoforetti Pionic zero mode contributions to QCD thermodynamics
Mo, 14.12.09 Salvatore Fiorilla Chiral dynamics and phase diagram of nuclear matter
Mo, 21.12.09 Jeremy Holt Density dependent NN-interaction from chiral effective field theory
Mo, 11.01.10 Nino Bratovic Axial anomaly and QCD phase diagram
We, 13.01.10 Alexander Laschka QCD potential and heavy quark masses
Mo, 18.01.10 Jacopo Ghiglieri Polyakov loop and its correlator
We, 20.01.10 Hossein Malekzadeh Dense quark matter
Mo, 25.01.10 Philipp Hägler Hadron structure from lattice QCD
We, 27.01.10 Antonio Vairo The static quark-antiquark potential at N3LL order
We, 03.02.10 Robert Lang Quark-gluon plasma and relativistic hydrodynamics

Summer Semester 2009 [TOP]

Seminar on Particle and Nuclear Physics
Date Speaker Title
Tu 28.04.09 Antonio Pineda (Barcelona) Quark-hadron duality and OPE violations in the ’t Hooft model
Th 30.04.09 Marco Cristoforetti Monte-Carlo simulations of thermodynamics in the PNJL-model
Th 07.05.09 Alexander Laschka Perturbative and non-perturbative sectors of the heavy quark-antiquark potential
Th 14.05.09 Thomas Hell Role of strangeness in the nonlocal PNJL model
Th 28.05.09 Salvatore Fiorilla Chiral thermodynamics of nuclear matter
We 03.06.09 Manfred Faber (Vienna) Vortices and chiral symmetry breaking in lattice QCD
Tu 09.06.09 Bernhard Musch Transverse momentum distribution in the nucleon from lattice QCD
Tu 16.06.09 Chihiro Sasaki TBA
Th 18.06.09 Michael Altenbuchinger Spin structure of the nucleon: from lattice QCD to phenomenology
Tu 30.06.09 Javier Albacete (ECT* Trento) Gravity approach to thermalization in heavy-ion collisions
Th 02.07.09 Youngshin Kwon Vector and axial vector meson properties from finite temperature QCD sum rules
Tu 07.07.09 Nino Bratovic Axial U(1) anomaly and its role in the QCD phase diagram
Th 09.07.09 Mikko Laine (Bielefeld) How to understand thermalization from first principles
Tu 14.07.09 Helmut Neufeld (Vienna) Electromagnetic effects in semileptonic decays
Tu 14.07.09 Mark Strikman
(Penn State Univ.)
Hard exclusive reactions at PANDA - color transparency, generalized parton distributions, short-range correlations in nuclei, etc.
Th 16.07.09 Reinhard Alkofer (Graz) QCD Green functions and their applications to hadron physics
Tu 21.07.09 Anton Rebhan (Vienna) Finite temperature QCD
We 22.07.09 Avraham Gal (Jerusalem) Recent work on antikaon-nuclear systems
Th 23.07.09 Hugo Reinhardt (Tübingen) Hamiltonian approach to Yang-Mills theory in Coulomb gauge
Mo 27.07.09 Stefan Watzenberger The axial anomaly and the nonlocal PNJL model
Mo 27.07.09 Jacopo Ghiglieri Polyakov loop and its correlator in perturbation theory
Tu 28.07.09 Pablo Roig Garcés Monte Carlo generators for vector current correlation functions
Tu 28.07.09 Antonio Vairo Poincaré invariance in non-relativistic effective field theories
We 29.07.09 Martin Gürtler Vector meson form factors from lattice QCD

Seminar: Physics of Strong Interactions
Date Speaker Title
Mo, 20.04.09 Jeremy Holt (TUM) Carbon-14 dating beta decay and chiral effective field theory
Mo, 27.04.09 Claudia Patrignani (INFN Genoa) Heavy quarkonium physics at B factories
Mo, 11.05.09 Marco Giammarchi (INFN Milan) AEGIS: an experiment to test Weak Equivalence principle on antihydrogen
Mo, 18.05.09 Bruce Yabsley (University of Sydney) Testing, and using, quantum entanglement at the B-factories
Mo, 08.06.09 Konrad Kleinknecht (Universe Cluster) Determination of S-wave pi-pi scattering lengths from decays of charged Kaons
Mo, 29.06.09 Javier Albacete (ECT* Trento) Phenomenology of saturation
Mo, 06.07.09 Miguel Angel Sanchis Lozano (University of Valencia) Prospects of searching for (un)particles from hidden sectors in multiparticle production at the LHC
Mo, 13.07.09 Jan Friedrich (TUM) Primakoff pi-gamma reactions with COMPASS
Mo, 20.07.09 Sebastian Neubert (TUM) Meson spectroscopy at COMPASS
Mo, 27.07.09 Avraham Gal (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Overview of strangeness nuclear physics

Winter Semester 2008/09 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Th 02.10.08 Akinobu Dote Variational calculation of the K-pp system
Tu 14.10.08 Thomas Hell The non-local PNJL model
Th 16.10.08 Norbert Kaiser Radiative corrections to pion Compton scattering
Tu 21.10.08 Simon Rößner Applications of the PNJL model beyond mean field approximation
Th 30.10.08 Marco Cristoforetti Monte Carlo simulations in the PNJL model
Tu 04.11.08 Alexander Laschka Heavy quark-antiquark potential in QCD
Th 20.11.08 Ying Cui Quarkonia and coupled channels
Tu 25.11.08 Antonio Vairo Radiative transitions and the quarkonium magnetic moment
Th 27.11.08 Jeremy Holt Carbon-14 dating and chiral effective field theory
Th 04.12.08 Bernhard Musch Transverse momentum dependent quark distributions from lattice QCD
Tu 09.12.08 Chihiro Sasaki Polyakov loop model at large Nc
Tu 16.12.08 Youngshin Kwon QCD sum rules at finite temperature
Th 18.12.08 Sinya Aoki (KEK) Nuclear force from lattice QCD
Tu 13.01.09 Martin Gürtler Rho meson properties from lattice QCD
Th 15.01.09 Bertram Klein Scaling analysis of two-flavour lattice QCD results
Tu 20.01.09 Salvatore Fiorilla Thermodynamics of nuclear matter
Th 22.01.09 Nino Bratovic The three-flavour PNJL model
Tu 27.01.09 Chihiro Sasaki Topics in holographic QCD
Th 29.01.09 Philipp Hägler Hadron structure from lattice QCD
Tu 17.02.09 Joan Soto (University of Barcelona) Nucleon-nucleon effective field theory with dibaryon fields
We 18.02.09 Jacopo Ghiglieri Three-quark static potential in perturbation theory
Th 19.02.09 Pablo Roig Garcés Hadronic decays of the tau
We 25.02.09 Hagop Sazdjian (IPN Orsay) Energy and decay width of the pi-K atom
Fr 27.02.09 Neda Sadooghi (Sharif University of Technology) Ring diagrams and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking of QED in a strong magnetic field

Summer Semester 2008 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Tu 15.04.08 Alexander Laschka Quark-antiquark potential from perturbative QCD and beyond
Th 17.04.08 Thomas Hemmert New challenges for chiral dynamics from lattice QCD
Tu 22.04.08 Thomas Hell Thermodynamics of the nonlocal PNJL model
Tu 29.04.08 Simon Rößner Modeling the phases of QCD beyond mean field
Tu 06.05.08 Ying Cui Quarkonia and coupled channels
We 14.05.08 Tereza Mendes (University of São Paulo) The QCD phase transition and its relation with O(N) spin models
Th 15.05.08 Nino Bratovic Studies in the three-flavour PNJL model
Tu 27.05.08 Tetsuo Hyodo Origin of resonances in chiral dynamics
Th 29.05.08 Youngshin Kwon QCD sum rules for vector and axial vector mesons at finite temperature
Tu 03.06.08 Bernhard Musch Transverse momentum distribution of quarks in the nucleon
Th 05.06.08 Marco Cristoforetti Instantons and chiral thermodynamics
Th 12.06.08 Paolo Finelli (University of Bologna) Effective field theory and hypernuclei
Tu 17.06.08 Philipp Hägler Structure of hadrons from lattice QCD
Th 19.06.08 Volker Koch (LBNL) Elliptic Flow and the QCD perfect liquid
Tu 01.07.08 Chihiro Sasaki Vector axial vector mixing and chiral thermodynamics
Fr 04.07.08 Eulogio Oset (University of Valencia) Chiral coupled channel study of three-body systems
Tu 08.07.08 Bertram Klein Scaling analysis of phase transitions on the lattice
Th 10.07.08 Martin Gürtler Form factors of vector mesons from lattice QCD
Tu 15.07.08 Naoki Yamamoto (University of Tokyo) New critical point and continuity of hadrons in dense QCD
Th 17.07.08 Norbert Kaiser a) Sigma-nuclear spin-orbit coupling,
b) Chiral condensate in neutron matter
Tu 22.07.08 Hiroshi Toki (Osaka University) Tensor optimized shell model and role of the pion in the nucleus
Th 24.07.08 Salvatore Fiorilla (Sapienza University of Rome) Neutrino emission and neutron star cooling
Tu 23.09.08 Daisuke Jido (Kyoto University) Baryon resonances as hadronic molecule states

Winter Semester 2007/08 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Th 11.10.07 Avraham Gal
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Exotic Atoms and Antikaon-Nuclear Phenomenology (I)
Mo 15.10.07 Tobias Gail Chiral Analysis of Nucleon Formfactors
Tu 16.10.07 Avraham Gal
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Exotic Atoms and Antikaon-Nuclear Phenomenology (II)
Mo 22.10.07 Tetsuo Hatsuda
(University of Tokyo)
Introduction to Lattice QCD
Tu 23.10.07 Tetsuo Hatsuda
(University of Tokyo)
Hadrons in Hot Matter and Lattice QCD
Th 25.10.07 Dominik Nickel
(TU Darmstadt)
The Maximum Entropy Method and its Application to Color Superconductivity
Th 08.11.07 Thomas Hell Thermodynamics of an Advanced NJL Model
Mo 19.11.07 Martin Gürtler Nucleon Matrix Elements and Spectroscopy from Lattice QCD
Mo 26.11.07 Simon Rößner The PNJL Model Beyond the Mean Field Approximation
Th 29.11.07 Chihiro Sasaki Dilepton-Production from Dropping Hadron Masses
Mo 03.12.07 Philip de Homont Density Dependence of the Chiral Condensate
We 05.12.07 Youngshin Kwon Improved QCD Sum Rule Analysis for Vector Mesons in Medium
Mo 10.12.07 Tetsuo Hyodo Lambda(1405) Resonance in Chiral SU(3)-Dynamics
Th 13.12.07 Norbert Kaiser Cross Sections for photon-pion-Reactions
Th 20.12.07 Bernhard Musch Transverse Momentum Distributions of Partons in the Nucleon
Mo 07.01.07 Marco Cristoforetti From Liquid Helium to the Transition Temperature in QCD
Mo 14.01.08 Bertram Klein Scaling of the 2-Flavor Phase Transition on the Lattice
Th 17.01.08 Philipp Hägler Spin Structure of the Pion from Lattice QCD
Mo 21.01.08 Nino Bratovic Towards the 3-Flavor PNJL-Model
Th 24.01.08 Jeremy Holt
(Stony Brook)
In-medium nuclear interactions and the 14C dating beta decay
Th 31.01.08 Alexander Laschka Heavy Quark Potentials in QCD and Beyond

Summer Semester 2007 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
Mo 16.04.07 Hans-Peter Pavel Quantum Yang-Mills Dynamics in the Infrared
Th 19.04.07 Thomas Hemmert Pion-Cloud Effects in Nucleon Form Factors
Mo 23.04.07 Christian Fischer Infrared Properties of QCD Greens Functions
Th 26.04.07 Alexander Laschka Matching Conditions in NRQCD for Heavy Quarks and Scalars
Th 03.05.07 Chihiro Sasaki Vector Manifestation of Chiral Symmetry
Mo 07.05.07 Simon Rößner Update on the QCD Phase Diagram
Th 10.05.07 Thomas Hell Thermodynamics of an NJL Model with Running Coupling
Mo 11.06.07 Ying Cui Quarkonia : Coupled Channels and String Breaking
Mo 18.06.07 Tobias Gail Chiral Analysis of Baryon Form Factors
Th 21.06.07 Tetsuo Hyodo Exotic Hadrons in s-wave Chiral Dynamics
Mo 25.06.07 Marco Cristoforetti Quark Mass Dependence of Hadron Properties in the Instanton Liquid Model
Th 28.06.07 Youngshin Kwon Update on QCD Sum Rules for Vector Mesons
Mo 02.07.07 Bertram Klein Finite Size Scaling from the Nonperturbative Renormalization Group
Th 05.07.07 Bernhard Musch Transverse Momentum Distributions from Lattice QCD
Mo 09.07.07 Philipp Hägler Nucleon Structure from Lattice QCD and Chiral Perturbation Theory
Th 12.07.07 Norbert Kaiser Parity-Violating Two-Pion Exchange NN-Interaction
Mo 16.07.07 Massimiliano Procura Finale con fuoco
Th 19.07.07 Philip de Homont Density Dependence of the Chiral Condensate

Winter Semester 2006/07 [TOP]

Date Speaker Title
We 18.10.06 Bertram Klein Finite Volume Effects from the Renormalization Group
Mo 23.10.06 Youngshin Kwon Heavy Pentaquarks from B-Meson decays
We 25.10.06 Ying Cui Tetraquarks and Color-Spin Interactions
Fr 27.10.06 Bugra Borasoy Chirale Dynamik der starken Wechselwirkung bei niedrigen Energien
Fr 27.10.06 Nora Brambilla Effective Field Theories for heavy Quarkonia
Fr 27.10.06 Andreas Nogga Chirale Symmetrie und Niederimpuls-Kernkräfte: Ein systematischer Zugang zur Kernphysik
Mo 30.10.06 Holger Gies Wechselwirkende Quantenfelder: Vom Fundamentalen zum Effektiven
Mo 30.10.06 H. Grießhammer Struktur und Dynamik von systemem aus wenigen Nukleonen: Von der QCD zur Astrophysik
Mo 30.10.06 J. Schaffner-Bielich Kerne, Sterne und der chirale Phasenübergang der QCD
Tu 31.10.06 O. Bär Chirale Störungstheorie für Gitter-QCD
Tu 31.10.06 S. Dürr Chirale Physik mit Overlap-Fermionen und Effektiver Feldtheorie
Mo 06.11.06 Simon Rößner Modeling the QCD Phase Diagram
Mo 13.11.06 Massimiliano Procura Nucleon Properties: From Lattice QCD to the Chiral Limit
Mo 20.11.06 Johannes Eiglsperger Quarkonium beyond One-Gluon Exchange
Mo 27.11.06 Rainer Härtle Deeply bound Anti-Kaon Nuclear Systems
Mo 18.12.06 Norbert Kaiser Twice-iterated Meson Exchange in the NN-Interaction
Mo 08.01.07 Tobias Gail Aspects of Renormalization in Effective Field Theories
Mo 15.01.07 Philipp Hägler Transverse Spin-densities from Lattice QCD
Mo 22.01.07 Marina Dorati Chiral Extrapolation of Generalized Parton Distributions
Mo 29.01.07 Bernhard Musch Three-Point Functions in Lattice QCD